Approval for 100-home Chestnut Drive plans in Louth

Plans for up to 100 new homes on land south of Chestnut Drive in Louth - which would see two existing homes demolished to provide access - have been granted outline planning permission today (Thursday).

Despite a number of objections from local residents, the plans were approved with conditions at East Lindsey District Council’s planning committee meeting this morning.

One Chestnut Drive resident, Jason Boyle, spoke at the meeting and strongly objected on the grounds of the ‘adverse effects’ that the development would have upon the safe, peaceful environment that currently exists in the area, particularly while the construction takes place.

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He said that Chestnut Drive would become a “busy, unsafe through pass” for traffic to the new development if the plans went ahead.

Mr Boyle was supported by objections from Town Councillor Sue Crew, alongside District & Town Councillor Ros Jackson - who voiced concerns over flood risk, ecology, impact upon local services, and sustainability.

However, Stuart Natkus from Barton Willmore (on behalf of the applicant KCS Developments Ltd) said that “only 18 objections” were received from neighbouring residents, which was “unheard of” for such a large housing development.

Ultimately, the planning committee voted 9-1 to grant outline approval the plans, with conditions. There were two abstentions.

• Read next week’s edition of the Leader for the full story.