This is every eaterie in East Lindsey and Boston with a 0 or 1 star food hygiene rating

The Food Standards Agency lists the hygiene ratings of all businesses serving food.The Food Standards Agency lists the hygiene ratings of all businesses serving food.
The Food Standards Agency lists the hygiene ratings of all businesses serving food.
Here we list all the restaurants, cafes, takeaways, pubs, clubs and bars in East Lindsey and Boston borough with a 0 or 1 food hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency.

A 0 star rating means ‘Urgent Improvement is necessary’ while a 1 star rating means ‘Major improvement is necessary.’ All of the businesses featured received a 1 star rating unless otherwise indicated. All ratings were correct and recorded on the Government’s Food Standards Agency website as of March 19, 2019. We searched for eateries in Boston borough which have a 0 or 1 star food hygiene rating. There are none. All of those featured here come under East Lindsey. The numbers here represent a minority of eateries in the district. A search of such businesses in East Lindsey achieving the top 5 star food hygiene rating brings back over 600 results.