Defiant Woodhall Spa driver pledges she won’t back down over pothole damage claim

Sandy Huskison with the letter she received from Lincolnshire County Council. Picture: John Aron.Sandy Huskison with the letter she received from Lincolnshire County Council. Picture: John Aron.
Sandy Huskison with the letter she received from Lincolnshire County Council. Picture: John Aron. | John Aron Photography
A Woodhall Spa woman has accused Lincolnshire County Council of ‘treating her like a fraudster’ in her battle to secure compensation for damage to her car which she says was caused by a pothole.

The News revealed last month how Sandy Huskisson was ‘left stranded’ after her Mini hit a pothole on the road from Tattershall Bridge to Chapel Hill.

She says she is prepared to take the matter to court.

The County Council’s Executive Member for Highways, Councillor Richard Davies, has said he can’t comment on individual cases.

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However, he confirmed the council ‘thoroughly investigates’ every compensation claim to assess whether it is liable, and to make sure it is only paying out taxpayers’ money when ‘it is absolutely appropriate.’

In a statement, Coun Davies said: “We investigate each compensation claim thoroughly to assess whether the council is liable, to make sure we’re only paying out with taxpayers’ money when it is absolutely appropriate.

“Obviously, we want to see as much money as possible invested in our roads, which is why we do everything we can to repair potholes quickly and minimise the number of claims.

“We’d urge residents to continue to report potholes to us through our website so we can keep on top of any defects as best as we can, and keep road users safe.

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“In January 2020, we repaired over 8,000 potholes across Lincolnshire’s 5,500 mile road network.”

Ms Huskisson has previously described a letter she received for the County Council dismissing her claim as ‘aggressive and confrontational.’

She is adamant she will not back down and says she feels ‘threatened’ by Coun Davies’ statement.

She said: “It is very disappointing to read Coun Davies’ words, he is implying my claim is bogus.

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“Why don’t they try and work with me, instead of threatening me?

”This is the first ever claim I have made for anything, and I feel I am being treated as a fraudster.

“I challenge Coun Davies to contact me directly and help me resolve this issue amicably, or I have no option than to seek recourse through the legal system, which ironically if LCC chooses to defend the case, will cost taxpayers even more money than paying my claim.

“Is that an appropriate use of council taxpayers’ money Coun Davies?”

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Miss Huskisson initially sent the repair bill for £260 to County Hall - along with a letter from the garage owner - confirming the damage was caused by a pothole.

She says the damage happened when she was alone, driving on a wet road at night.

Ms Huskisson added: “Suddenly, I heard a loud bang which was really scary.

“I knew I’d hit a pothole so I pulled into the side of the road.

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“I was cold. It was dark and I was on my own in the middle of nowhere.”

Ms Huskisson was ‘rescued’ by her son but revealed when she posted what had happened on Facebook, she was amazed how many other people’s vehicles had been damaged by the same pothole.

She said: “Apparently, it was reported loads of times but nothing had been done.”

She described the state of local roads as ‘shocking.’