Fracking protesters' fury at shale gas green light

A bid to search for shale gas in Bassetlaw was given the go ahead by Nottinghamshire County Council today - sparking fears it could lead to 'full scale' applications for fracking in the county.

The application, submitted by Island Gas in October last year to explore for a shale gas well at Springs Lane, Misson, was approved by seven votes to four during a meeting at County Hall.

Officers recommended the bid be approved but an earlier meeting, on October 5, was adjourned so legal advice could be sought after Friends of the Earth, on behalf of the Nottinghamshire World Wildlife Trust, claimed drilling would breach a covenant set up in the 1960s to protect a nearby site of special scientific interest.

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Planning officer Rachel Clack said the covenant was not a “a material planning consideration” and added the planning system was there to regulate the use of land in the public interest,