A worldwide win for Trent Valley

PUPILS and staff at Gainsborough’s Trent Valley Academy are celebrating after receiving the International School Award.

The award comes after the school’s hard work and dedication to raising awareness and educating pupils about other cultures and countries through a variety of initiatives.

Languages teacher Laura Delleur said she was delighted that the school was recognised.

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“It’s all about raising awareness of the global community and improving the ethos of the students whilst helping to integrate the children who come to us from other cultures and countries as well,” she said.

“One of the things the council said was that it was remarkable that we’ve achieved this in just two years, where it usually takes more established schools much longer.”

She continued: “We started by getting the foundation award and then worked towards establishing international awareness across the curriculum for the intermediate award, and we’ve had a variety of special days, workshops and projects focusing on Africa, the Ukraine, Senegal, Sierra Leone.”